From Number in Workflow Builder Settings
Similar to your emails, when sending SMS, you’ll want to select a phone number as the sender. Choosing a consistent number helps maintain your brand’s identity and build rapport with customers. When assigning numbers to users, customers will become accustomed to receiving messages from the same phone number.
⭐️Why Is This Feature Beneficial To Your Business?
Increased Credibility: Using the phone number customers are accustomed to creates a more familiar atmosphere, which will help foster the trust and comfort they feel with your communications.
Improved Tracking: This keeps communications under the same line, ensuring the contact’s owner remains unchanged and the system can better track the response rates, times, etc.
Better Customer Service: This can create added accountability by keeping team members engaged and responsible for their leads and customers, maintaining communications streamlined.
⭐️How To Set From Number in Workflow Builder Settings:
Head to the Workflow section inside the automation section.
To access the builder select the workflow you want to add the "From Number" to.
Go to the "Settings" tab at the top of the builder.
Scroll to the "Sender Details" section, and in the "From Number" field, select the number you wish to use from the dropdown menu.
Including the 'From Number' in Workflow Builder Settings ensures that communications come from a consistent sender, reassuring customers that they are interacting with a trusted source. It also helps the system collect data for more accurate statistics.