Reviews & Ratings in Products for Stores
Social proof boosts your brand growth and credibility. By allowing customers to express their opinions of your product or service you naturally build an image that appeals to others. This feature allows you to receive and handle reviews for your product directly from your e-commerce site!
⭐️Why Is This Feature Beneficial To Your Business?
Simplified Marketing: Customer reviews simplify your marketing efforts by letting your audience grow and promote your business for you, in turn, those positive reviews generate more reviews.
Improved SEO: Reviews allow your business to rank well and appear more prominently in the search results for your product, by creating more search points with the words inside the reviews.
Better Customer Retention: This feature allows you to gain insight into how your customers perceive your product and services and improve your processes based on tangible facts.
⭐️How To Enable Reviews & Ratings in Products for Stores:
Navigate to the Stores tab inside the Sites section and access a page where there’s a product list.
Click the product list to open its settings, and scroll down in the General tab until you see Reviews and Ratings, where you want to toggle the option on.
You can customize the information and color the Reviews & Ratings show.
To manage the reviews head to the Reviews option inside the Products tab in the Payments section. When a review is submitted, it will appear in the Pending section for you to Approve, Unapprove, or Move to Trash.
Harness the power of Reviews & Ratings with this new tool. Use it to create social proof for your products, generate open channels of communication, and simplify your marketing game by leveraging customer feedback!