Invoice Support for Bank Only Transfers
Offering payment options to your customers is key to completing sales and generating revenue. Cards and digital wallets are prevalent in these options, but what if you prefer a more traditional payment method? In those cases, you can use Invoice Support for Bank Only Transfers, limiting payments to this secured method.
⭐️Why Is This Feature Beneficial To Your Company?
Minimize Fraud Risk: This payment method is highly secure and requires bank-initiated authentication. Once completed, it is generally irreversible giving you added security and reducing the risk of fraudulent activities.
Customer Satisfaction: This removes the discomfort from customers entering their card details, allows them to check their funds, and provides added transparency to the entire process.
Reduced Chargebacks: This minimizes chargebacks since they can only be initiated by customers who claim the transfer was fraudulent or unauthorized, as they have no protection for other issues.
⭐️How To Apply Bank-Only Transfers To All Invoices:
Navigate to the Invoice tab inside the Payments section and click the gear icon to access the settings.
Select the Payment Settings tab and click Manage next to Manage default stripe payment methods for your invoices.
Toggle Only Bank Transfers (SEPA & ACH) then click Save.

⭐️How To Apply Bank-Only Transfers To Specific Invoices:
Create an Invoice as normal, and add a customer and product to your invoice.
Click the Three dot icon and select Manage Payment Methods.
Toggle Only Bank Transfers (SEPA & ACH) then click Save.

Minimize fraud risk and chargeback issues by limiting payments to Bank Only Transfers, and increase the security your customers get when completing a payment with bank backup.