Featured Products Element
Your store is the front line for converting interested people into buyers. One great way to increase its effectiveness is by providing a special place for any products you want to promote, such as new, bestsellers, or sales. With the Featured Products Element, you can shine a spotlight on them.
⭐️Why Is This Feature Beneficial To Your Company?
Product Highlight: This creates the perfect showcase for your products anywhere on the store pages in your desired order, bringing attention to your selected inventory.
Customization Flexibility: You can control the layout, appearance, and number of products per row allowing for a display that highlights products and is easy to personalize.
Increased Sales: This can increase your business's sales and revenue by driving customers' attention to your popular, relevant, or special products.
⭐️How To Use the Featured Products Element:
Start by creating or editing a Store to access the builder.
Click the plus sign icon to open the element menu and select the Featured Products in the Store section.
Customize the appearance and choose the products in the right-side menu.
Click Save and Publish to apply your changes.

This new element creates excitement for your products. Use it to easily direct your audience's attention to the offers you’re the most interested in promoting, helping you increase revenue and convert interest into sales.