Documents & Contracts
Your Documents and Contracts give clear guidelines to customers on how your services work, any terms & conditions you have, and what to expect. We’ve made a few improvements to them so you can get the most out of every document created. Let’s check what to expect!
⭐️How Will These Changes Affect You:
Add New Client: Directly create contacts as recipients within the primary client box.
Trash Can Icon: A delete button was added to the primary recipient for easy editing.
Product Search: Search Bar capabilities were added to the Product element when adding new products.

⭐️How To Add Clients From Documents & Contracts?
Create a new Documents & Contracts.
Click the person icon to open the Recipients tab and click Add New Client.
Add the contact’s information then click save.
This contact will be added as the primary recipient, when adding more recipients you can click Add New Client to create them as a system contact.

We hope this makes your experience with Documents & Contracts smoother and easier to manage, by simplifying the UX interaction and providing a more integrated experience.