Custom Reply-to Address For Email Campaigns
A boutique eCommerce store wants to streamline customer inquiries by directing sales-related email replies to the sales team and support-related inquiries to the customer support team. By using the custom reply-to address feature, the store efficiently manages customer communications, resulting in faster response times and improved customer satisfaction.
Custom Reply-to Address For Email Campaigns: The feature enables businesses to specify custom reply-to addresses for email campaigns, allowing for better organization and management of replies by directing them to specific teams such as marketing or support, thus enhancing flexibility and communication efficiency within the CRM.
⭐️ Why Does It Matter To Your Business?
Improved Flexibility: Businesses can now set custom reply-to addresses for email campaigns, tailoring communication channels to specific teams or purposes.
Enhanced Organization: Directing replies to designated teams streamlines communication processes, ensuring that inquiries are efficiently managed and addressed.
Better Experience: With the ability to specify custom reply-to addresses, businesses can maintain professional communication practices and improve client interactions.
⭐️ How To Custom Reply-to Address For Email Campaigns:
1. Access the “Marketing” Tab from the left navigation menu then click on Emails > Campaigns from the upper navigation menu. Click on the existing campaign.
2. Click on the “Send or Schedule” button.
3. If the sender email or global reply-to address isn’t suitable, select “Set a custom reply-to address for this campaign.”
4. Input the desired reply email address.
Which Reply-To Address Takes Priority?
Priority 1: Custom reply-to address set in the campaign’s Send or Schedule screen.
Priority 2: Go to Settings in your account.
Access the “Email Services” from the left navigation menu. Click on Reply & Forward Settings and you can see the Reply Address which is 2nd Priority for Reply to address.
This feature empowers businesses to tailor communication channels to specific purposes, thereby enhancing efficiency and improving overall experience.