Country Selection at Checkout for E-Commerce Stores
Global Shipping is ideal, but it might not be feasible for your business. In those cases, your best alternative is to limit the countries available for shipping. We’ve added the option to configure these options directly in your Store Builder. Let’s check how it works!
⭐️What Does This Add To Your Builder?
Shipping Locations: Control where your customers can select for shipping during the checkout process, the options will be:
Ship to all locations: Shipping is available globally.
Ship to specific countries: This allows you to limit the countries available for selection on the checkout page.
Default Customer Location: Configure how the customer's default location is set in the checkout process, the options will be:
No default location: The customer’s location will not be pre-selected.
Geolocate: The customer's location will be detected based on their IP address and automatically populated.
Show all countries: All countries you ship to will be listed for the customer to choose from.
⭐️How To Configure Country Selection at Checkout for E-Commerce Stores?
Open your Store Builder and edit the Checkout Page of your Ecommerce Store.
Select the Checkout element, and head to the Advanced Section in Settings on the right side.
In the Form Options section open the Shipping Location drop-down to choose an option.
If choosing to ship to specific countries open the Search to select countries menu to add them.
Save and publish your changes to enable the new country selection options on your checkout page.
This allows you to avoid confusion from customers when placing an order while keeping your interface clean and professional at no additional cost to your business.